Synth Bird - Kickstarter Project with Rumtiden Idea Lab

The Synth Bird Kickstarter was a project I worked on together with Håkan Lidbo and Max Björverud at a design agency called Rumtiden Idea Lab.

Rumtiden Idea Lab is an art and design agency, making crazy explorative installations with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and that kind of interactive tech.

The Synth Bird was PCB kit for kids, to learn about circuitry and soldering, while making a little synthesiser for themselves. We worked on the project from mid 2019, until it's launch on Kickstarter in end of 2020.

On January 5th 2021 the project was fully funded, and backers started to receive their kits around May the same year.

Link to Kickstarter and Video!

I mainly focused on the video, and I started out by creating a story that made sure to explain the product and intention behind it very clearly. Then I wrote a script together with Håkan and Max, who would be infront of the camera. Then polishing the script by myself, and making a checklist of every shot needed for the video.

The video was shot by me, and was edited in Adobe Premiere, audio engineering was also done in Adobe Premiere. Music was by Håkan Lidbo.